Specializing in the Home Furnishings Industry Since 1970




  • Ability to generate a purchase order even if stock is available
  • Automated allocation of sales to discontinued floor samples
  • Designated future sales will not reserve inventory or allocate to incoming stock orders
  • Automated layaway tracking system with exception reporting to help insure customer satisfaction
  • Daily re-allocation of sales to stock purchase orders based on earliest delivery date (if desired)
  • Automatic "one step" generation of special order purchase orders
  • Permits temporary reservations of both stock and on order merchandise to pending sales orders


  • Savings in clerical time- computer automatically reserves stock, floor samples and allocates to stock on order
  • Increased cash flow - computer monitors customer payments
  • Decreased investment in inventory – Future deliveries do not reserve inventory- Reallocating “Stock coming” by promised delivery date- Allocating merchandise that is not needed for an immediate delivery to “On order”
  • Better customer service - ability to make temporary reservations and follow-up on customer promised delivery dates

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